What’s the difference between Service dogs, Emotional Support dogs, and Therapy dogs, and how do I get my dog registered?

What’s the difference between Service dogs, Emotional Support dogs, and Therapy dogs, and how do I get my dog registered?

By now, you may have seen dogs who are wearing vests that indicate that they are some type of service or support dog at places like airports or hospitals, but what’s the difference, and is it Ok to approach those dogs?  There are three types of service/support related categories that we will discuss:  Service Dogs, Emotional Support Dog, and Therapy Dogs.  Regardless of the type of service or support animal, you should always first ask the owner if you can approach the dog.  If it is a service dog, owners will often decline because their dogs are working and not in play mode.

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Answers to questions you’ve always wondered about dogs

Answers to questions you’ve always wondered about dogs

Do you ever wonder why your dog walks round and round before settling down in his doggy bed or favorite sleeping spot? There are several theories about why this occurs. One of the most common theories asserts that this behavior dates back to prehistoric times when dogs had to make their own beds. 

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Why is Nutrition so Important for my Dog?

Why is Nutrition so Important for my Dog?

In addition to veterinarians asking dog owners what type of food and treats their dogs consume to help evaluate the dog’s health, almost all certified dog trainers ask this, as well. But, why would a dog trainer care what your dog eats? It’s because nutrition affects a dog’s behavior. Poor nutrition can contribute to a number of behavioral issues in dogs.

For instance, food that provides excess sugar and unhealthy chemicals, can cause dogs who are already aggressive, anxious, hyper, or fearful, to be even more so.

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How do I find the right dog trainer for me?

How do I find the right dog trainer for me?

So, you have a new dog who has never received training, or you have a dog who is not exhibiting the behaviors you would like to see.  You’ve tried everything you can do yourself, but nothing has resulted in the desired behavior.  The next step is to consider hiring a professional dog trainer.  But, what kind of dog trainer should you hire, and what type of training should you use?  There are many factors to consider to make sure you have the right dog trainer.

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